Owner's Representative Services
How We Can Help
As appointed owner's representative we can assist you on your project in a variety of ways:​
Site Selection & Due Diligence
Entitlements Planning and Zoning Representation
Proforma creation and monitoring to keep development within budget.
Project Overview
S&U Cap Stack
Costs & Draws Schedule​​
Pre-Opening Expenses
Net Operating Income (NOI) with projected fill rate to stabilization
GC Draw construction cost breakdown
Finance Cost
Master Development Scheduling and Monitoring
Using MS Project, we will develop your project schedule from site selection through full stabilization and continually monitor to keep project goals within established guidelines.
Architectural and Engineers selection and Request For Proposals (RFPs)
Architectural – Engineer design reviews and progress monitoring
Weekly meetings
Review and redline drawings and specifications
Push progress, quality, design and coordination
General Contractor Selection
Bid review and monitoring
Price update meetings during design on negotiated GC’s
Construction Observation
Weekly site reviews and reports
Monitor weekly progress vs construction schedule with emphasis on GC meeting milestones
Weekly push resolutions on open Requests For Information (RFIs)
Drone video/photo’s when possible and legal
OAC (represent you at monthly Owner, Architect, Contractor meetings)
Monitor and proactively push:​
Review and analysis of Proposed Change Orders, with recommendation of approval or denial
Holding teams / disciplines / GC, etc. accountable
Architect & Engineers for errors and omissions and timely processing of shops and RFI’s
Contractors timeline and cost management
Oversee owner-supplied third-party work / consultants